
Jan 15, 2023    Pastor Sam Branson

"Dissonance," a word I felt the Lord gave to me for this season. The sense I felt from the Lord was that the body of Christ (big C church) has, for too long, been ’harmonizing’ with the devil and his ways through compromise, partnering with religious spirits, and operating in earthly wisdom (James 3:14-16). This has been an unholy harmony -- a false harmony full of compromise and mixture (the word Babylon = confusion through mixture). The church at large has been deceived and operated in a form of godliness, but has denied its power (2 Timothy 3:5). 

The Lord is separating His church from every form of leaven which is producing a holy dissonance that may cause believers to misunderstand the tension they feel, but cannot explain. In reality this is simply the noise, the discomfort of becoming separated from every form of compromise, separated from religious and other demonic spirits, and from earthly wisdom. 

This work of the Holy Spirit is a spirit of judgment and a spirit of burning (Isaiah 4:4-5). The Lord is exposing what the enemy has been getting away with, and the ways of man that do not please The Lord. Similar to when Jesus turned the tables, God's work will at times feel uncomfortable, but it is a wonderful act of His love and mercy to set things in order. And out of this season of dissonance, the Church will be brought into a new, glorious, and holy harmony. Not like a lullaby, but a sound that contains matchless beauty, strength, unity and power. A harmony of God's creation in both heaven and earth.